An Introduction to Interproximal Reduction (IPR) for your patients

An Introduction to Interproximal Reduction (IPR) for your patients

Do you have crooked, overlapping or ‘crowded’ teeth? Is it hard to clean between your teeth ? Straightening your teeth with clear aligners will correct these problems significantly but often there is further assistance need to create space to align your teeth. There is a procedure to treat these problems without the need of extraction. This is what we call Interproximal Reduction or IPR. In this blog, you’ll learn more about the procedure, who it’s for and its safety.  

What is IPR?

Interproximal reduction (IPR) (or polishing/stripping) is a practice used to remove enamel from between the teeth. It is used to help with orthodontic treatments which may include the correction of crowding or reshaping the area between the neighboring teeth. In layman’s terms, it can be called tooth stripping. The width of the teeth is reduced by 0.2 to 0.5 millimeters during this procedure. The sides are reduced, and they are adjusted to obtain the appropriate space to position the teeth that makes it look pleasing. Dental or Orthodontic IPR is the way to avoid opting for extraction. It is efficient in solving space problems.

When is IPR Done ?

The treatment is performed in circumstances where minimal gaps are necessary to accurately position a tooth that is outside the dental line. It is a suitable alternative to extraction for patients with medium dental crowding. It also eliminates black triangles in the anterior teeth. When the jaw is closed, IPR procedures are also utilised to reduce incisor protrusion. Incisor protrusion occurs when the upper incisors fit in front of the lower incisors. When there is a disproportion between the upper and lower lateral incisors, the most advised alternative is to use the IPR procedure to reduce the size of the upper lateral incisors.

Does IPR Hurt and Is It Safe?

Orthodontic IPR doesn’t hurt and is safe. It does not cause discomfort to the patient or have any side effects or negative side effects on oral health as long as it is done by a professional with the requisite abilities and knowledge of the procedures.

Have more questions about the procedure? Ask your treating Dr or don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll gladly assist you.